Our Services



Change Management & TQM Culture

It is a universal truth that change is constant. For the management, changes in PEST elements may drive changes in their existing business models and organizational practices.

The ability of organization to change, also known as the 'adaptive' corporate culture is one trait that enhances corporate performance.

Nonetheless, employees go through a Cycle of Change consisting of four phases: Denial, Resistance, Exploration and Commitment. It is the task of management to ensure that at the end of the change cycle, the level of performance is higher than before the change was made.

We assist our clients in understanding the Cycle of Change, and how to address the conflicts arising from the change program.


One common initiative, albeit a challenging one to implement, is to drive an organization towards a more TQM-like culture.
TQM philosophy and practices have evolved to become the business and performance excellence models of most national awards frameworks.

Change initiative are always challenging to implement as people generally dislike changes and are sometimes fearful of it. Stakeholders are always concern of the negative impacts on them from the changes and may speculate on the internal agenda and politics driving the change.

Having an external partner like Kenzer & Company can go some ways to reducing the tension and conflicts within the management team and the staff. As outsiders, it can be perceive that we do not have any 'office politics' or agendas in recommending the changes after consultation with the management, listening to the staff and analysis of the business.
We will be glad to assist your organization to change for the better.

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The quicker you let go of Old Cheese, the sooner you can enjoy New Cheese.

Who Moved My Cheese? - Dr. Spencer Johnson
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